Tuesday, September 13, 2011

what I GET TO DO.....

Last week, I had someone state to me, "Mary, I know you are so religious; and so, you are probably going to hate me for this, but I am going to skip church this Sunday."

This statement immediately struck a nerve.  I began to wonder is that really the image that I portray to people?  Then I realized why the simple statement was not what I wanted to hear.  Church is not a place I go on Sunday, because I think it makes God happy --- that is just going to church to check something off your Sunday to-do list does not make God give you extra brownie points.  I get to the Ridge around 7:30 AM every Sunday and leave close to 2 PM.  People think I'm crazy, but THERE IS NO OTHER PLACE I would rather be on Sunday morning.  The butterflies in my stomach and the skip in my heart as I pull onto 811 on Sunday mornings demonstrates just how happy I am that I get to go to a place where I can worship God.  I can serve God!!  I get to spend time with my Cradle family for 2 services sharing my heart, learning about their hearts, and loving some amazing children, because I get to :)  I get to spend 3rd service either serving God in the technical realm or spending time in worship as a participant in the Big Room.  What a gift! :)  These are things I GET TO DO.  God has given me the heart to love Him and love others and to love time in worship of Him.  I come home on Sundays having gone to church, but church is not just a building where I sing and pray.  Church is a group of people who are teaching me to love God, who are checking up on me Sunday-Saturday, who are pushing me to further my obedience to God.  Church is not a place I love, church is a group of people I love. 

So, while it personally pains me to not "attend" church on Sundays, because I feel like I am missing out on some great lessons that God wants to teach me, it does not mean I (by any means) frown upon not attending church every Sunday.  Today, I found myself praying for this person.  I prayed that their relationship with God would grow by great amounts.  I prayed that they would see the love that God has shown me in the people that I consider church.  I prayed that I could exemplify church to this person and to so many others!  What a radical transformation God is making in me :)  That nerve is no longer being plucked by this comment, instead I am seeing what God has given me and wants me to show others!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Reflections: As Summer Ends

Summer draws to an end....

I officially started back in Buckingham this week.  As I drove through town the first day, I thought, "Wow, Buckingham has not changed."  Don't get me wrong, I love quaint areas and I am learning to embrace the even smaller town life.  However, as the week progressed, I quickly realized something --- I HAD changed :)

The summer brought 3 months of occupational therapy work in the clinic.  Change and I are not the best of friends and I unwillingly embraced the clinic being set in my school therapist ways.  However, God had big plans for me in the clinic.  By the end of June, I was loving large treatment rooms, interacting with other therapists, my beloved swing/sensory gym, and most of all the patient interactions.  Fast forward to August -- I suddenly have minimal desire to return to the school system and a strong love for the clinic treatment life.  That being said, my drive to and from Buckingham has been nothing but glorious and I couldn't have been happier to see my students when they returned on Thursday.

Back to how I changed --- for a couple years now, I thought I would end up working as an OT in mental health in a matter of a few years.  I still have a VERY strong desire to head into the mental health field in the next 24 or so months.  However, I had an opportunity mentioned to me over the summer.  An OT position that would allow me to help adults complete jobs while working around and embracing their physical disabilities.  My heart jumped at the thought.  To be honest, the thought of exploring something new excited me and terrified me.  How could I have a heart to go into anything but mental health?  That has been my plan forever now!  I don't know if I can embrace something new in the same way.  What is wrong with me?  What has changed in me?  The big change has really occurred in my walk with God.  I am trying so hard to be in tune with God and follow His path for me, although I'm scared.  So, now I question, did God have that patient mention a new field of OT I never thought about?  Where is God leading me?  How can I glorify Him? Don't get me wrong, I still struggle minute-to-minute with MY plan and what I want ;)  God is breaking me down for His purpose. 

The point of this whole post is while places may never change and I may not embrace change, God is changing and shaping me!  How cool :)  The God of the universe reaches down and gently nudges me to follow His direction for me!  I have told several people this, but here goes for those that haven't heard it --- there is a quote by John Lennon that states, "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."  I love that quote and have for some time.  My new version of it is that God is shaping me and changing me while I'm busy worrying about the future :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

God is his Dad!?!

That was the exclamation I heard several weeks ago during a Coaches meeting at BRCC.  I was sitting in the Preschool room listening to another coach praying and reflecting on his words.  Typically, children are not around at coach's meetings, but this was a meeting before First Wednesday, so a small child with a great mind was present :)  As the other coach was praying, he kept referring to God as Father.  About 45 seconds into his prayer, said small child proclaimed to her mother, "God is his Dad!?!"  I chuckled briefly and yet realized deep down in my heart and my mind just how much insight God had provided this child.

I thought this post was very appropriate for Father's Day.  God keeps bringing this theme to me --- He has provided SO much for me here on Earth in the forms of amazing people, wonderful life experiences, and even more.  And all He wants from me is my love.  He wants me to look to Him as the Great I Am :)  He wants my moments and my days.  My complete trust (one of the hardest things for me).  He has plans to prosper me and NOT to harm me!  He is GOD!

I reflect today also on the amazing parents that God has placed in my life.  They are easily two of the greatest people I know.  They are determined and loving individuals that taught me how to laugh at the mishaps that creep up in life.  My parents taught me amazing responsibility and their strong morals couldn't help but inspire me as I grew up.  As I left home to explore undergraduate and new lands, I realized just how blessed I was to have parents that were still married and living under the same roof.  Now, I am proud to say that they just celebrated 30 years of marriage!!! :)  What an example God has given me to show me how worldly love can work through good times and bad.  Have I mentioned lately that I am blessed? ;)

Enjoy the moments!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Atypical me doing the typical starter...

Hello friends-

For starters, I used to blog frequently in undergraduate and I have recently found that I miss it.  I have decided to pick back up blogging and I hope my small insight will bring you some joy and probably some laughs. 

My life very recently: I just took my 18th trip to Walt Disney World and my 3rd Disney cruise.  Blessed!?! Yes, beyond words.  If you know me, you know that Disney is sewn into my life --- while I don't know the reasoning that I have been chosen, I am happy to be a believer in the magic that occurs on a daily basis in a very wonderful spot in sunny Florida :)  Nerd alert: I frequently think during random days, I'm sure someone is enjoying my favorite rides, the smells, the sights, and the wonder of my favorite vacation spot :) I wonder what the weather is like and how the parade went.  How were the rides?  Did the guests forget about the world even if for only a moment as they watched their children delight in the characters and the castle? Yeah, I know I'm odd, but these thoughts do run through my mind --- especially directly post-vacation.

What to expect here: my thoughts, stories about my day, reflections on God and what He is doing in me, music lyrics, quotes, book suggestions, etc.  Some pieces will be comical.  Some pieces will be serious.  Some pieces will make no sense. 

"Get lost and get right with my soul." -Rodney Atkins, Take A Back Road
This is precisely what I did tonight.  I drove, jammed to my tunes, and forgot about the world for a while.  Driving is my outlet and has been since I was 16.  I loved driving tonight with the windows down just watching the sky change with storms and sun, storms and sun.  I don't know what it is, but something about a car with the windows down and tunes up just erases the problems (even if only momentarily) :)

Stay tuned for my blog post later this week regarding a child's image of God and His relationship to adults.